Free Pro Photos, Trash the Dress
I am helping to put together a TTD type shoot/engagement/bridal photo shoot at the LA River with several photographers and brides. (The lead photographer is Bryan Chan from
http://www.premierphotographs.com/) We are looking for about brides to get together in April at the LA River (
http://www.folar.org/). Hair/makeup and photography are all free. You will receive a disk from each of the photographers there with your pictures.
We are in need of Hair/Makeup people. I was going to do a posting on
http://www.modelmayhem.com/ for the hair/makeup people. Does anyone know anyone that would like to do hair/makeup for free? All I need is your name, e-mail if you want to do the shoot, you can be married, engaged whatever! Just need a dress you don't mind getting dirty (yours, craigslist, ebay, thrift store, etc). Let me know if you are interested!
Above is a photo by the very talented Bryan Chan from the Salton Sea trashing I did in Jan.